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Lizard domination!

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Lizard domination! Empty Lizard domination!

Post  Kewliest Stud Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:22 pm

I was running away from something, but for some reason I couldn’t turn back. All I did was run. Another problem was that the town I was in looked familiar. Almost like the town I live in but it was all dusty, black, and covered in ash. The town was deserted and had nobody there. I was running on my own. I started running faster and faster. Suddenly, I see a green lizard thing up ahead. It had yellow eyes with a green scaly tail in the back with a hissing pink tongue. It didn’t look friendly. I tried to stop myself but it was too late. The lizard tripped me and I fell straight to the ground. I didn’t know what to do. My brain stopped working, I couldn’t think. When I turned around I saw two lizards with sharp knives. I stand up and start backing away slowly, then I look to my right and I see a bazooka. I didn’t know how to use it, but I think if I can play Call Of Duty, I can shot two lizards. I find the trigger and, BOOM!!! Two lizards for dinner. But, turns out, there were thousands of lizards all around me. I try to stay calm. But, I heard a weird noise from above me. I look up and see a giant bomb. Two seconds later, the scene fades away.
Instead, I was in a completely dark room. I hear these 2 hissing voices talking “Sir, when do you plan to commence this war?” one lizard asked, “Once I am at full power!” Another lizard said. “I can’t wait sir, to get our revenge on those humans.” Then start to see the scene better. There are two lizards. One that looked like the one in my dream, and another that looks the same, only he has a glass eye and ripped clothes. They both start to cackle “Hehehehehehehehe” But then one saw me. “Well what do we have here” it said with a nasty tone in his voice. Then the Lizard with the green eye shouted loud and quick, “DINNER!” I saw it open it’s big slimy mouth to reveal thousands of small but sharp teeth. Next thing I knew I saw the pink tongue whip out at my face. Then I woke up with a startle and I see my dog licking me in the face.
He’s a golden retriever. I hear my mom calling me “Jason, time for school!!!” That’s right, my name’s Jason Daniel. I’m Eleven and turning twelve in March. Listen, I’ve been having those strange dreams ever since last week. I don’t believe in that kind of stuff but uh… the first dream that started this war saga did warn me that it was going to happen but c’mon. Right? Oh who am I kidding, I’m afraid to tell people this because they’ll probably just laugh at me. Besides, it probably won’t even happen.
Oh right… school. I met my mom downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom has dirty blonde hair, just like me. She also has brown eyes and a strange scar running down from her earlobe to the edge of her mouth. My dad usually leaves for work at 6:00, while I get ready for school which is at 7:00. Breakfast today was an apple strudel pop tart with cherries. I love cherries, they’re my favorite fruit. I stuffed the food down and ran to the bus. What? I was running late. I made it to the bus just in time. While the bus was going through town, everything seemed normal. No dust, No darkness, and no ash anywhere. Everything seemed ok.
When I got to school, I met with Alex at my locker. Today we got to pick clubs, every time we pick new clubs for school, we meet up and pick our clubs so that we’ll be in the same club. Alex and I have been friends since this year. The first day of school I met him and we’ve been friends ever since. He’s twelve. About a year older than me. After we picked clubs, we went down to gym. We both have the same counselor, Mrs.Franze. As we were doing our warm-ups for gym, I saw something or someone I didn’t expect to see. This “Thing” I saw, had clothes that mostly covered its body. It was wearing a brown bowler hat with a white T-shirt and a brown coat. He was also wearing black pants and black shiny shoes. He looked a little suspicious but normal. Then I saw his face…
He had yellow eyes and a green face with scales on it. I asked Mrs.Franze who he was. She said “He’s a reporter!” I didn’t know what to think. But, I found out my answer when we played dodge ball. Ok here’s what happened, there’s this school bully named Chad! And of course, that thing was on the opposite side of Chad’s half. Anyway, Chad and his stupid friends made a group together and threw five balls at me on the count of 3. “Ready… set…1... 2...3!” Chad and his friends threw the balls at the same time. They were supposed to hit me but somehow, without thinking, I jumped up and did a cool trick called The Matrix! It was pretty cool, except for the part where most of the balls were about to hit that weird thing…
The thing jumped up just in time, turned around, and I saw it’s green scaly tail bat all the balls back at Chad!
My whole team started laughing, Chad looked like he was about to through up! We all were having a good time till the gym doors burst open. There were 3 guys in dark blue uniforms, all wearing badges that said the letters LAD, with, I’m not sure what it was… a bazooka? “Freeze.” One of the guys said. The lizard threw his tail like a whip, whipped the gun out of his hand, took him by the neck, and threw him at the wall. The next 2 guys both had handguns and started shooting the lizard. But, it did no good. The lizard picked them both up with its hands and started choking them. I heard the guy that got slammed to the wall say, “Kid, Grab the gun and shoot it!” I didn’t know what to do, he yelled at me again, “You want them to die?” “No I don’t” I said. I ran for the gun, too late, the lizard’s tail swung at me but luckily, I dodged it. I grabbed the gun but didn’t know how to use it. I mean, I’ve played call of duty but this was no ordinary gun. Meanwhile, the lizard threw the guys at an opposite way. And charged me. The guy at the wall yelled “Hit the red button on the side!” I hit it and got the lizard right in the face! Next thing I know, I’m being shot backwards into the wall. As I was flying through the air my life flashed before my eyes! Then I hit the wall with a huge THUMP. Then I saw a flash. I can’t really describe the flash but it made me fell helpless and like I was flying. The next thing I know I was lying down in a hospital bed with a minor concussion. I remembered nothing about the lizard.
Just to let all people know who haven’t been in a hospital bed, it is NOT fun. I mean you can’t even sleep because the beds had drool from the last people and smelled like medicine, blood, sweat, and rubbing alcohol. Plus it’s all lonely when everyone leaves to go get you a balloon or a cake. Finally my mom came in. She usually isn’t late like this or even nervous but she was anyways. The first thing she said was, “Do you remember anything?” She asked me as if it was really serious about it not like she was worried. I thought for a minute. I thought I saw a lizard but I wasn’t sure but I knew somewhere in the mix I shot a bazooka. I decided to lie and say no. My mom gave a sigh of relieve then told me there was a bomb in the school that blew up.
The next day I was out of the hospital and was back in school. The gym was not there because of the `incident` that happened. I was on my way to 3rd period math with Mr. Ganzio when Chad came from behind me and shoved me into the lockers. “That was for being better than me at dodge ball!” he screamed. Then he slapped me across the face and shouted even louder, “And that’s for giving me this!!!”As he said “this” he pointed at his eye which was all black and bruised. “I don’t remember doing that.” I said trying to be calm but he yelled back “Me neither squirt but I know you did it somehow!” I was just about to leave but then he called my mom a freak. That was it! I stormed back over to him and started a fight. He swung his fist at me like a drunken sailor. I dodged it easily then swung my leg into his thigh giving him a dead leg. He shrieked in pain but wasn’t ready to give up. He came back and did a series of kicks and jabs. Somehow he still couldn’t hit me! Then I went in for the kill. I swung my leg up right between his legs and hit him right in his only weak spot. I felt better than ever! That is until the principal walked around the corner and saw what was going on. He didn’t say anything. He just walked up to us and handcuffed us together. A minor concussion, being late to class, being handcuffed to CHAD!!!!!!!! What else could go wrong? Well actually nothing! At the end of the day I got the handcuffs removed and went home. Everything was perfect until exactly 7pm. I was watching TV (I think something stupid like Handy Manny) when it flickered from some sci-fi movie to something about robots with red eyes but then the weirdest thing happened. I saw a huge lizard, like the ones in my dreams. I figured it was just another random flicker but this one stayed. It said “All that you know is coming to an end!” The next thing I knew I was staring the odd lizard from my dream in the eye. Then he said “Jason Daniels.” I knew he couldn’t actually be talking to me but I said yes anyway just trying to be smart. Then it said “If you don’t come and face us in the next 5 days, your mom will be toast!” Then I saw her in the background dangling over a vat of… I think acid! “It’s a trap!” my mom screamed but by this time I turned off the TV and ran to my room. I knew they were real! But what was I going to do about my mom?!?
Kewliest Stud
Kewliest Stud
u r now cool
u r now cool

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Lizard domination! Empty Re: Lizard domination!

Post  luhar349 Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:43 pm

damn did u type all that
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Lizard domination! Empty Re: Lizard domination!

Post  Kewliest Stud Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:10 pm

ya man! Lol
Kewliest Stud
Kewliest Stud
u r now cool
u r now cool

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